Exploring the World of Postal Rates
Canada Domestic and International Postal Rates 1870-1999
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Table of Contents
Illustration of Sample Page

     The first book published (issued March, 2000) in the Worldwide-Postal-Rates.com series, but definitely not a "first effort". With data gathered by Canadian postal rate expert Dr. Robert C. Smith and organized by Anthony S. Wawrukiewicz, the U.S. rate expert, this book is extraordinarily useful.

     In 54 pages, this publication presents the vast majority of postal rates that a collector is likely to encounter. Organized in such a way that all necessary information to "rate a cover" is found on a single page, even if you do not know if the cover contained a "letter" or "printed papers". This book makes quick work of looking up covers' rates.

     Contained in a sturdy, but attractive looseleaf binder, revised-edition page sets will be made available when appropriate -- to registered owners, at a reduced price. The binder approach is also useful as it provides a single location to store all related paperwork.

     Examples of covers are illustrated throughout the book to point out typical features and appearance of various rate covers.
The Table of Contents Top 
The Table of Contents lists the following subjects & tables: (Note that even though, for convenience, the Registry rates are also given in separate tables they are included in virtually all other tables as well.)
Domestic Mail
    Domestic Letters, Post Cards, and Printed Matter
    Domestic Money Packets
Mail to the United States
    Surface Mail to United States
    Airmail Letters to United States
    Airmail Small Packets to United States
International Mail (except to the U.S.)
    International Surface Mail (except to U.S.)
    International Airmail Letters (except to U.S.) 1931-39
    International Airmail Letters (except to U.S.), Via U.S. Clipper Service from San Francisco 1936-46
    International Airmail Letters (except to U.S.), Special Transatlantic Rates 1939-48
    International Airmail (except to U.S.)
Registry Fees
    Domestic Registry
    Registry to United States
    International Registry (except to U.S.)
Sample Table from Canada Rates book Top 
Sample table from Canada Rates book.

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